



Beispiel Abstraktion
Beispiel Abstraktion

Since April 2018, all pages of the isbn-maschine have been abstracted:



Each page designed by a sentence is abstracted on the day it is put online.

The abstraction is done by editing the defined template.

The lines are counted when viewed on a screen with a resolution of 1920 px in width.

Font size, text colour and background colour are determined from the source text of the page:

  • the font size results from the definition content p-style = "font-size" of the sentence
  • the font colour is derived from the definition content p-style = "colour" of the sentence
  • the background colour is derived from the definition body style = "background-color"

The name of the file corresponds to the URL of the page of the abstracted sentence.


In reality, the isbn-maschine is not a graphic product, but a set of rules for displaying the typeset in a web browser. Only the font, font size, font colour and screen background are defined for the graphic display.

What the viewer ultimately sees depends on the device with which he or she operates the isbn-maschine.

For the abstractions, it was examined once which variations of the display the isbn-maschine triggers on the machine operator's computer. A selection of pages was opened in full-screen mode and the distribution of the text lines was measured by hand.

The screen used displays the pages with a resolution of 1920 x 1080. This was defined as the basic format for the abstractions.

The isbn-maschine results in a representation of the sentences in three different fonts. The largest representation is used for sentences under three words is the font size 5em, sentences longer than two words but less than 500 characters have a font size of 2.7em, longer texts have a font size of 1.5em.

Consequently, the font size 5em only exists for single-line pages, the font size 2.7em is used in pages with one to nine lines, the font size 1.5em exists on pages with six to fifteen lines.


Thus, 25 Adobe Illustrator documents were created, which abstract the pages according to the measurements. The font size 5em corresponds to a height of 80 pixels, 2.7 of 43 px, 1.5em 24 px, the control line 13 px.



Each page of the isbn-maschine is abstracted after it is put online in order to enable a pictorial representation of the sentences detached from the text.

As in the isbn-maschine, the representation of the abstraction follows the set of rules.

All power comes from the sentence.



isbn-maschine is a machine for displaying sentences of literary works in web browsers. Thus, by its definition, it is a moving work of art. However, the sentences of the books showed a creative skill in their graphics, so that the visual representation achieved an artistic work even without the text.

Therefore, it seemed logical to me to detach the graphic quality achieved from the text and reduce it to the graphic information.

All Abstractions so far

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