
Georg Büchner


(01/23 - )

Georg Bücher - Woyzeck (01/24)
Georg Bücher - Woyzeck (01/24)
Georg Bücher - Leonce und Lena (06/23)
Georg Bücher - Leonce und Lena (06/23)
Georg Bücher - Dantons Tod (06/23)
Georg Bücher - Dantons Tod (06/23)

Realisation 05/23: Dantons Tod

Realisation 08/23: Leonce ind Lena

Realisation 01/24: Woyzeck



Pencil choice

The pages can be written with 12 different pencils.

One pencil is used for each page. There is no provision for changing pencils within a page.

The aim of the pencil selection is to ensure that the pencils are used as evenly as possible by applying a rule derived from the text of each individual page.

Choice of paper

The work is realised on Cara pura 140g acid-free 100% Cotton 34 x 48 cm1

Text Format

One page of text has 42 lines in the book.

The process of transcribing cannot be mathematically defined in advance. Therefore, the transcription of the texts was tested in advance.

This resulted in a probable maximum line width of up to 24 cm. The printed line has a maximum width of 9 cm.

The natural writing process also resulted in a written line height of 1 cm, the printed text has a of about 0.375 cm.

For the written text block, this means a size of 24 cm by 42 cm. If the text is centred on the book page, it is also centred on the page.

These values are the same for all dramas.

Writing rules

Text Handling

  • Each line is written from the left. Insertions and graphic elements are ignored.
  • Blank lines remain blank lines.
  • The capitalisation of the characters is ignored.
  • The capitalisation of headings is ignored.
  • The leading scene number is not transcribed.
  • Page numbers are not transcribed.

Pencil Handling

Any pencil used is sharpened when it needs to be.



The texts of Büchner's dramas Danton's Death, Leonce and Lena and Woyzeck are copied by hand with 12 Faber-Castell pencils (12 Castell 9000 Design Set) in the grades 5B, 4B, 3B, 2B, B, HB, F, H, 2H, 3H, 4H 5H.

The texts are transcribed from Georg Büchner Werke und Briefe (Deutscher Taschenbuch-Verlag ISBN: 3-423-02065-2, 2nd edition, February 1981)1.

In contrast to a purely digital implementation of a set of rules, the implementation of this concept influences three components:

  • the printed text, taking into account its setting
  • the set of rules developed from it for transferring the book page to the chosen paper format
  • the handwriting of the writer, which cannot be arbitrarily forced into the proportions of the printed text, but represents its own reality.



The text of Georg Büchners dramas "Dantons Tod", "Leonce und Lena" und "Woyzeck" are transcribed on one single sheet of paper per work. All pages of one drama on one page. This will result in three works of art..

Georg Büchner » diese Seite auf Deutsch


