



Rot The Realisation took a long time due to too little time on hand



  • the colour values are set as one point with the same brush thickness (as far as I remember 4 mm).
  • starting with cadmium red deep, you slowly go to the defined darkest colour and then come back to cadmium red dark.
  • on the other hand, the colouring moves to the defined lightest shade of red and then back again
  • The aim is a balanced distribution of the colour with an organic structure.



The central colour of the painting is Schmincke Mussini Cadmium red deep. The warmth of Schmincke Mussini Cadmium Red Dark is to be achieved organically as an impression over the entire work, by changing on the one hand to dark colour values up to Vandyck brown and on the other hand to lighter tones via vermilion up to orange tones.



  • how to create an abstraction of the colour red in such a way that the organic of this colour can be realised.



For a long time, my favourite oil paint was "Schmincke Mussini cadmium red deep1 ". However, for the idea of "red", a simple flat application of the paint was not enough. Red is not just a colour value, red also stands for blood, fire, earth, roses, sunset.

1 Schmincke Mussini oil paints on the net: https://www.schmincke.de/produkte/oelfarben/mussini.html

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