
Historie: Happy_Birthday_GG_english

Vorschau der Version: 6

Happy Birthday GG






(started 01/24)

The development of the Basic Law is documented by the fact that the various the various versions of the Basic Law in their chronological sequence are summarised in one document.

Data source

I use the rtf download from DocPatch at as the source for the legal texts of the respective versions of the Basic Law (many thanks for your effort, I would have expected the same from, but there you can view pdf scans that look like they have been faxed). To determine which articles have been amended compared to the previous version, I use the list of amendments according to Änderungsgesetze Grundgesetze. (Of course, this is not a scientific, but an artistic work, so I, as well as DocPatch, take no responsibility for the accuracy of the texts).


As it has already proven itself for the readability of large amounts of text in Virginia - Ouse, the work is executed in the Swiss911 XCm BT font.

Temporal component


The temporal component of the development of the Basic Law is represented by the fact that the degree of coverage of the print colour of the respective version of the text corresponds to the proportion of the validity of the corresponding text in relation to the total age of the Basic Law. The Basic Law will be 28,855 days old on 23 May 2024. The original version of 23 May 1945 was amended for the first time on 30 August 1951, i.e. after 2,291 days, which means that Article 143, which was amended by the first amending act of 30 August 1951, is shown with a coverage of 7.94%.

Text Colour

The text colour is determined by the government in office at the time of the corresponding change. For this purpose, colour values are assigned to the governments involved. The starting point for the colour values is the CMYK value (the CDU/CSU is shown in black, as this corresponds to common usage, and in the RGB colour space black is the absence of colour, which can be avoided by translating CMYK 0-0-0-100 into RGB 34-34-33).

This results in the following colour values for the parties in the RGB colour space:

  • CDU/CSU: #222221
  • FDP: #FFED00
  • DP: #8B1E2E
  • GB/BHP: #72520
  • SPD: #C20E1A
  • Grüne: #5E9F43

To determine the respective "government colour", the election results of the parties involved in the government under review are now used. The government colour is calculated by determining the percentage share of each governing party in the government and multiplying the party's colour values for R, G, B by this, the sum of all colour values then results in the government colour value. This is used to create the changes to the laws of the active government.






Additions and deletions

Deleted and inserted articles must be inserted in such a way that unchanged articles are always on top of each other. For this purpose, newly inserted articles are inserted in such a way that the subsequent articles are also moved for the previous versions. Even if articles are deleted, the structure of the previous versions is retained so that unchanged articles are in the same position across all versions. The aim of all insertions and deletions is to ensure that related texts can be placed on top of each other.


We will see.


Information Version
07.04.2024 14:49 admin Realisation 7
25.03.2024 17:34 admin 6
25.03.2024 17:34 admin 5
25.03.2024 17:34 admin font, colour, transparancy 4
21.02.2024 23:50 admin Concept, DataSource 3
05.01.2024 11:28 admin 2
05.01.2024 11:28 admin Creation 1

