The district of Munich without Unterschleißheim. One can always dream.
This map manipulation is based on OpenStreetMap with a resolution of 500m / 2000 ft at the standard level. For the work, 97 screenshots were combined to form a map of the district of Munich. Subsequently, the urban area of Unterschleißheim was replaced by landscape. The city limits were deleted.
In the Unterschleißheim municipal area, all buildings and roads will be replaced by symbols of the landscape forms typical of the north of Munich. The through roads (A92, B13, Mittenheimer Str - Landshuter Str - Hauptstraße will remain as connecting roads)
From a digital map of the district of Munich, all traces of settlement in the Unterschleißheim/Lohhof municipal area are replaced by unspoilt landscape. The result is a district of Munich without Unterschleißheim/Lohhof.
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