I have been painting all my life. I was lucky enough to experience the last two days of the great exhibition Westkunst in August 1981.
sehen durfte. It was here that I first came into contact with the works of Barnett Newman
Besides the work "Who's Afraid of red, yellow and blue III", which was super presented there, I was impressed by his blue paintings "Day before one (1951)" and "Day one (1951/52)", which were also in large format.
(09/81) und laufend
Since this visit, I have been preoccupied with the search for the correct representation of colour. What makes a colour. What is a blue, what makes a blue, blue. What structure is needed to represent "green" (the Irish even have two words for "green", one for the green in nature and one for a painted, coloured, not grown green.
see individual works
see individual works
see individual works
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other pages:
Abstraction of William Shakespeare's "Cymbeline" : Cymbeline
Abstraction von William Shakespeares "Coriolanus" : Coriolanus
The district of Munich with plenty of nature in the north. : Paradise
Abstraction of William Shakespeare's "Richard III" : Richard III
Abstraction of William Shakespeare's "Henry V" : Henry V
Abstraction of William Shakespeare's Macbeth : Macbeth
Abstraction of William Shakespeare's The Tempest : The Tempest
Abstraction of William Shakespeare's King Lear : King Lear
Abstraction of William Shakespeare's Othello : Othello
Abstractation of the abstractation of William Shakespeare's Antony and Cleopatra : Antony and Cleopatra
The development of the German Constitution "Grundgesetz" over the 75 years of it's existence : Happy Birthday GG
Abstractation of the abstractation of William Shakespeare's The Comedy of Errors : The Comedy of Errors
Abstractation of William Shakespeare's Hamlet : Hamlet
Abstraction of William Shakespeare's King John : King John
Abstraction of William Shakespeare's Julius Caesar : Julius Caesar
Georg Büchner's dramas Dantons Tod, Leonce and Lena and Woyzeck are copied by hand, page by page, one on top of the other on a sheet, rule-based in pencil. : Georg Büchner
Abstractation of the abstractation of William Shakespeare's Titus Andronicus : Titus Andronicus
Abstraction of William Shakespeare's "Twelfth Night" : Twelfth Night
conceptual art: abstraction of William Shakespeare's "Henry VI Part 2" : Henry VI Part 2
conceptual art: abstraction of William Shakespeare's "Henry VI Part 3" : Henry VI Part 3
merger of Michael Kumpfmüller's Ach, Virginia and Anne Leibovitz' River Ouse : Viriginia-Ouse
Automation for the isbn-maschine : Automat
abstractions of the isbn-maschine : Abstracts
Machine for the graphic representation of sentences : isbn-maschine
in search for the color : blue
Approach to green : green
organic abstractation in cadmium red deep : red
Abstractation of the abstractation of William Shakespeare's Hamlet : Stripes Hamlet
Couples a word of conceptional art of the group image mergers : Couples
ich bin normal, ich bin normal... : 1987
abstractions grouped by first letters and alphabet : Alphabets
abstracts of by languages : Languages
Virtual bookshop with interaction : Bookshop