see individual works
see individual works
see individual works
For painting literature, the book in its printed form, i.e. as it exists two-dimensionally, is the basis for the creation of a set of rules with which a pictorial work is then generated that no longer contains any text.
It would be conceivable to assign a colour value to each, one, several, selected, grouped letters and/or punctuation marks and to transfer this colour value to a pictorial work at the point of its occurrence on one or all or selected pages.
The format of the artwork would then be the size of the book page or a multiple thereof.
The pages of the book can be transferred manually or via a single scan.
The position of the selected character can be used as a fixed colour point, as an exit point for a colour gradient or a smudge.
A set of rules can be created for this from the distribution of the letters in the work.
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