digitally the first day of the war was completed on 03/26/2022
The data basis for the text is the official Youtube recording of the Tagesschau from 8 p.m. of the day in question. The series of images begins with the Tagesschau of 24 February 2022, the first day of the war.
The text is converted into a text using transcription software (currently Happyscrype). The result is proofread and then divided into the individual words and transferred to Excel. Punctuation marks at the end of words are removed. The words are grouped and counted. For each occurring word, the word length is determined and the number of occurrences.
The background colour is the RGB value of the flag of Ukraine: 0, 91, 187
The text is in TheSans C5 font, which is also used by the Tagesschau.
The total length of all occurrences of the word at the characters of the total text determines the font size of the word in the image. The formula used for the point size is
If the output of the daytime news is at least 30% longer than 15 minutes, the font size is changed according to the formula
For the font colours, the individual words are assigned to the colour rules for the warring parties. For this purpose, the number of occurrences of the letters of the country names of the warring parties in the respective word is counted. For the Ukraine, the occurrences of the letters u, k, r, a, i, n, e, for the aggressor Russia the letters r, u, s, l, a, n, d (the s is only counted once) are evaluated. The word is assigned to the colour rule that scores the higher value. In case of a tie, the rule for Ukraine is applied. If there is no letter of the warring parties, the value is white (FFFFFF).
For Ukraine, the colour value yellow (gold) from the flag of Ukraine (RGB: 255, 213, 0) is edited. For this purpose, the proportion of letters from the word "Ukraine" in the number of letters of the word is determined (e.g. "die", occurrence of i and e = 67% of the word), with which the colour values are adjusted (RGB = 255 * 67%, 213 * 67%, 0 - i.e. hexadecimal AA8E00).
For Russia, the colour value red from the flag of Russia (RGB: 213-43-30) is edited. To do this, the proportion of letters from the word "Russland" is determined in relation to the number of letters in the word (e.g. "Deutschland", occurrence of r, u, s, l, a, n, and a second time d = 64% of the word), with which the colour values are adjusted (RGB = 213 * 64%, 43 * 64%, 30 * 64 - i.e. hexadecimal 871B13).
Starting with the word "Ukraine" in the middle of the picture, all words are manually distributed on the drawing area one after the other in the order of the determined font size.
If the word "Ukraine" does not feature in the entire Tagesschau, the word Ukraine is inserted in the size of the first day of the war, the 24th February 2022, but faded out after the grouping of the entire text.
Each individual panel has the dimension 60 x 40 cm.
Digital jpgs with a width of 1000 pixels are published.
For this work, all editions of the 8 p.m. Tagesschau of ARD are analysed.
Tagesschau is transcribed into text.
The words are isolated and counted.
Each word occurring in the transcribed text is assigned a colour value according to a set of rules. For this purpose, the words are assigned to the warring parties Russia and Ukraine by evaluating how many letters of the country names occur in the transcribed word. The rule for the country that has the most matching letters is applied.
The letter size is based on the total length of the letters in the respective edition of the Tagesschau for the occurrence of the evaluated word.
A work documenting the coverage of the war in Ukraine in 2022 by scoring the words in news broadcasts and assigning them to the warring parties in pictorial form based on rules and colours.
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