
Twenty-seven senses

(Tribute to Kurt)


(started 08/24)

Abstraction of Kurt Schwitters’ poem \\"An Anna Blume\\". Evaluated letter Aa.
Twenty-seven senses: Aa, 58 joined letters, 1653 lines, colour #2C458E
Abstraction of Kurt Schwitters’ poem \\"An Anna Blume\\". Evaluated letter Bb.
Twenty-seven senses: Bb, 27 joined letters, 366 lines, colour #35473A
Abstraction of Kurt Schwitters’ poem \\\\"An Anna Blume\\\\". evaluated letter Cc.
Twenty-seven senses: c, 26 joined letters, 310 lines, colour #548076
Abstraction of Kurt Schwitters’ poem \\\\"An Anna Blume\\\\". evaluated letter Dd.
Twenty-seven senses: Dd, 70 joined letters, 2314 lines, colour #CCAD64
Abstraction of Kurt Schwitters’ poem \\\\\"An Anna Blume\\\\\". Evaluated letter e.
Twenty-seven senses: e, 149 joined letters, 10646 lines, colour #354B7C
Abstraction of Kurt Schwitters’ poem \\\\"An Anna Blume\\\\". Evaluated letter Ff.
Twenty-seven senses: Ff, 16 joined letters, 117 lines, colour #392818
Abstraction of Kurt Schwitters’ poem \\\\"An Anna Blume\\\\". Evaluated letter Gg.
Twenty-seven senses: Gg, 26 joined letters, 338 lines, colour #423438
Abstraction of Kurt Schwitters’ poem \\\\"An Anna Blume\\\\". Evaluated letter Hh.
Twenty-seven senses: Hh, 42 joined letters, 830 lines, colour #3e4b3e
Abstraction of Kurt Schwitters’ poem \\\\"An Anna Blume\\\\". Evaluated letter i.
Twenty-seven senses: i, 104 joined letters, 5142 lines, colour #5e584a
Abstraction of Kurt Schwitters’ poem \\\\\"An Anna Blume\\\\\". Evaluated letter k.
Twenty-seven senses: k, 7 joined letters, 21 lines, colour #537d6f
Abstraction of Kurt Schwitters’ poem \\\\\"An Anna Blume\\\\\". Evaluated letter Ll.
Twenty-seven senses: Ll, 48 joined letters, 1090 lines, colour #606058
Abstraction of Kurt Schwitters’ poem \\\\\"An Anna Blume\\\\\". Evaluated letter Mm.
Twenty-seven senses: Mm, 21 joined letters, 206 lines, colour #c4bc87
Abstraction of Kurt Schwitters’ poem \\\\\"An Anna Blume\\\\\". Evaluated letter Nn.
Twenty-seven senses: Nn, 95 joined letters, 4270 lines, colour #57694D
Abstraction of Kurt Schwitters’ poem \\\\\"An Anna Blume\\\\\". Evaluated letter Oo.
Twenty-seven senses: Oo, 20 joined letters, 179 lines, colour #796653
Abstraction of Kurt Schwitters’ poem \\\\\"An Anna Blume\\\\\". Evaluated letter Pp.
Twenty-seven senses: Pp, 3 joined letters, 3 lines, colour #323c47
Abstraction of Kurt Schwitters’ poem \\\\\\"An Anna Blume\\\\\\". Evaluated letter Rr.
Twenty-seven senses: Rr, 70 joined letters, 2322 lines, colour #ac9872
Abstraction of Kurt Schwitters’ poem \\\\\\"An Anna Blume\\\\\\". Evaluated letter Ss.
Twenty-seven senses: Ss, 46 joined letters, 988 lines, colour #2f415f
Abstraction of Kurt Schwitters’ poem \\\\\\"An Anna Blume\\\\\\". Evaluated letter Tt.
Twenty-seven senses: Tt, 58 joined letters, 1603 lines, colour #414141
Abstraction of Kurt Schwitters’ poem \\\\\\"An Anna Blume\\\\\\". Evaluated letter u.
Twenty-seven senses: u, 50 joined letters, 1186 lines, colour #b09c72
Abstraction of Kurt Schwitters’ poem \\\\\\"An Anna Blume\\\\\\". Evaluated letter Vv.
Twenty-seven senses: Vv, 8 joined letters, 22 lines, colour #74634d
Abstraction of Kurt Schwitters’ poem \\\\\\"An Anna Blume\\\\\\". Evaluated letter Vv.
Twenty-seven senses: w, 18 joined letters, 150 lines, colour #3e4a45
Abstraction of Kurt Schwitters’ poem \\\\\\"An Anna Blume\\\\\\". Evaluated letter z.
Twenty-seven senses: z, 5 joined letters, 8 lines, colour #756655
Abstraction of Kurt Schwitters’ poem \\\\\\"An Anna Blume\\\\\\". Evaluated letter ä.
Twenty-seven senses: ä, 12 joined letters, 65 lines, colour #424e41
Abstraction of Kurt Schwitters’ poem \\\\\\"An Anna Blume\\\\\\". Evaluated letter ö.
Twenty-seven senses: ö, 3 joined letters, 3 lines, colour #5d6b6f
Abstraction of Kurt Schwitters’ poem \\\\\\"An Anna Blume\\\\\\". Evaluated letter ü.
Twenty-seven senses: ü, 5 joined letters, 9 lines, colour #658071
Abstraction of Kurt Schwitters’ poem \\\\\\"An Anna Blume\\\\\\". Evaluated letter ß.
Twenty-seven senses: ß, 5 joined letters, 9 lines, colour #ada081
Abstraction of Kurt Schwitters’ poem \\\\\\"An Anna Blume\\\\\\". Evaluated numbers 123.
Twenty-seven senses: 123, 3 joined numbers, 3 lines, colour #404e4b




Complete work

The work is conceived for realisation as a portfolio, comprising the 27 individual works, a numbered, signed Certificate of Authenticity, the printed concept, in a designed box, in an edition of 50.

For the complete work, the 998 letters and numbers of the poem were connected by a total of 33853 lines.

Definition of individual works

A single work is created for each letter in the poem. This results in the 27 works: Aa, Bb, c, Dd, e, Ff, Gg, Hh, i, Kk, Ll, Mm, n, Oo, Pp, Rr, Ss, Tt, u, Vv, Ww, z, ä, ö, ü, ß, 1237

Individual works


Each individual work is realised on a sheet measuring 17 x 11 cm. The dimensions of the underlying jpg of the original poster are 13 x 8.95 cm.


The red frame of the image is reduced to the outer dimensions and displayed in the measured red of the poster jpg: #D6423E.

The dividing line between poem and advertising text is displayes in black: #000000

Evaluated text

Only the text of the poem is analysed. The advertising text for the book of poetry is not part of the work.

Centre of letters

To connect all the letters to each other, it is necessary to determine the centre point of each letter. This is done by placing a rectangular frame around the letter to be analysed, the corners of which are each connected with a diagonal line. The intersection of the diagonal lines is defined as the centre point.

For the selected letter, a rectangle is created for the lower case letter and (if available) a rectangle for the upper case letter and arranged around the letters. As the original is an analogue print, the letters are not all exactly the same. The resulting inaccuracies are ignored as far as possible. In one line, however, all squares ( separately for upper and lower case letters) are aligned on a horizontal base line.

Connecting lines

Merzbild 21b, Kurt Schwitter, 1920
Merzbild 21b, Kurt Schwitter, 1920

All letters occurring in the individual work are linked to all letters that do not occur in the same line of text. The connection with a path with an outline of 0.1 pt and a round starting point.

The colour is defined by the artist's selection of a colour point from the work: Merzbild 21b by Kurt Schwitter, from 1920.







An Anna Blume (Poster Kurt Schwitters 1920)
An Anna Blume (Poster Kurt Schwitters 1920)

For the " Tribute to Kurt", the poem " An Anna Blume" is used in the version of the poster from 1920 1 .

There are 27 different letters in the poem (German umlauts and "ß" are defined as separate letters, upper and lower case are combined, all digits are counted as one letter).

A separate work is created for each letter.

The format of each work is a divisor of the format of the original poster.

For the works, each occurrence of the evaluated letter is connected to every other occurrence of the respective letter with a coloured, straight line.



  • Rules for connections
  • Select image format
  • Select colours




For my homage to Kurt, Kurt Schwitter's poem "An Anna Blume" will be transformed into a series of graphic works.

For this purpose, a work will be created for each letter of the alphabet appearing in the work. For each individual work, every occurrence of the selected letter is connected to every other occurrence of the same letter with a straight line.

The colour selection is rule-based.

1 In June 1920, Kurt Schwitters and his publisher in Hanover put up the 10 commandments on advertising pillars and house walls. Eight days later, they put up posters alongside it with Kurt Schwitters' poem "An Anna Blume" to advertise the volume of poetry of the same name

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