
Franz Kafka: All Novellas


234 Abstractions of sentences from Franz Kafka's Novellas
Franz Kafka: All Novellas

For the "Kafka Year 2024", the 78 stories from "Franz Kafka: Sämtliche Erzählungen"1 were abstracted according to the rules of the abstractions of the isbn-machine and merged into one graphic work. For this purpose, the rules of the isbn-maschine were adapted to integrate the representation of text collections into the logic of the book-oriented machine.



Determining sentences

The first sentence is the first sentence of the novella. The last sentence is the last sentence of the novella. If the novella contains only one sentence, the last sentence is omitted. The middle sentence is not determined by analysing the number of pages in the book, as is the case for entire books, but by analysing the number of lines in the novella (number of lines / 2 +1). If the novella consists of only two sentences, the middle sentence is omitted.


The images are abstracted according to the rules of abstraction isbn-machine . Missing sentences are replaced with a placeholder in black in the same dimensions.


The abstractions are combined into one work with 9 columns and 26 rows.
The individual abstractions are applied with side lengths of 50 mm in width 28 and 28.125 mm in height.

The abstractions are spaced 4 mm apart.

The group of abstractions is surrounded by a white border of 10 mm.

This results in a work measuring 425.625 mm x 502 mm.



Franz Kafka: Sämtliche Erzählungen (Fischer Taschenbücher ISBN 3-596-21078-X 473rd-512th thousand: April 1982) contains 78 novellas by Franz Kafka. The novellas are listed individually in the ISBN-Maschine. If a story contains only two sentences, these are included as the first and last sentence; if a story consists of only one sentence, this is included as the first sentence.

The individual sentences are converted into images according to the rules for abstractions. Missing middle and/or last sentences are replaced by a placeholder in black (background and foreground).

The stories are arranged in the order in which they appear in the book and combined to form a single pictorial work. The illustrated work consists of 12 columns and 26 rows. Three novellas are shown per row.



  • Change the rules
  • Determine the number of stories
  • Reading all stories again


For the Kafka year, all the stories from Franz Kafka: Sämtliche Erzählungen (Fischer Taschenbücher ISBN 3-596-21078-X 473rd-512th thousand: April 1982) will be included individually in the ISBN machine and then transferred to an abstraction. For this purpose, the set of rules for the ISBN machine is adapted so that stories from collections in a book can be included individually in the ISBN machine with their records.

1 Fischer Taschenbuch Verlag, ISBN 3-596-21078-X , 473.-512. Tausend: April 1982

Franz Kafka: Sämtliche Erzählungen » diese Seite auf Deutsch



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