
I am a work of art / Ich bin ein Kunstwerk

Welcome to konzeptkunst-online.de an art project by Stefan Kumpfmüller for the presentation of ideas, projects and finished conceptual artworks.

Overview of realised concepts

Troilus and Cressida
Troilus and Cressida
Paradise (a polemic)
Paradise (a polemic)
Richard III
Richard III
isbn-maschine german version
isbn-maschine german version
The Merchant of Venice
The Merchant of Venice
War in Ukraine Day 1000
War in Ukraine Day 1000
Twenty-seven senses u
Twenty-seven senses u
Twenty-seven senses Tt
Twenty-seven senses Tt
Bob Mortimer: The Hotel Avocado
isbn-maschine english version
Twenty-seven senses Ss
Twenty-seven senses Ss
isbn-maschine english version
isbn-maschine english version
Henry V
Henry V
Pericles, Prince of Tyre
Pericles, Prince of Tyre
isbn-maschine english version
isbn-maschine english version
isbn-maschine german version
isbn-maschine german version
War in Ukraine Day 900
War in Ukraine Day 900
Abstraktion all Novellas by Franz Kafka
Franz Kafka: All Novellas
isbn-maschine german version
isbn-maschine german version
The Two Gentlemen of Verona
The Two Gentlemen of Verona
isbn-maschine english version
isbn-maschine english version
King Henry VIII
King Henry VIII
Irelandwalks 2024
Irelandwalks 2024
The Tempest
The Tempest
King Lear
King Lear
The Taming of the Shrew
The Taming of the Shrew
All's Well That Ends Well
All's Well That Ends Well
Boris Vian
Boris Vian
Anthony and Cleopatra
Anthony and Cleopatra
Happy Birthday GG: a present to the 75th birthda of the German constitution, a presentation of all changes on one page
Happy Birthday GG
The Comedy of Errors
The Comedy of Errors
Stripes Hamlet
Stripes Hamlet
Love's Labour's Lost
Love's Labour's Lost
King John
King John
Julius Caesar
Julius Caesar
Stripes Much Ado About Nothing
Stripes Much Ado About Nothing
Much Ado About Nothing
Much Ado About Nothing
Stripes The Winter's Tale
Stripes The Winter's Tale
Abstractation of Color abstractation of William Shakespeare: Henry IV Part 1
Stripes Henry IV Part I
Color abstractation of William Shakespeare: Henry IV Part !
Henry IV Part I
Map for an atheist peace plan
Atheist Peace Plan
Abstract of William Shakespeare's Titus Andronicus
Titus Andronicus
Abstraction of abstractation of William Shakespeare's Twelfth Night
Stripes Twelfth Night
Abstract of William Shakespeare's Twelfth Night
Twelfth Night
Abstraction of abstractation of William Shakespeare's Romeo and Juliet
Stripes Romeo and Juliet
Abstract of William Shakespeare's Romeo and Juliet
Romeo and Juliet
Image of Transcription of Georg Büchner's Leonce und Lena
Transcribed: Leonce und Lena
Abstract of William Shakespeare A Midsummer Night's Dream
A Midsummer Night's Dream
Picture of Dantons Tod by Georg Büchner transcribed
Dantons Tod
Image mergers Lecce walks 2023
Lecce walks 2023
Abstract of William Shakespeare Henry VI Part 2
Henry VI Part 2
Abstract of William Shakespeare Henry VI Part 3
Henry VI Part 3
Abstract of William Shakespeare Henry VI Part 1
Henry VI Part 1
War in Ukraine, a work of conceptual art
War in Ukraine
Abstraction of all works by Chris Brookmyres on ISBN-Maschine
Chris Brookmyre 2022
Merging of Michael Kumpfmüller's book
Conceptual Art Online
Conceptual Art Online
Michael Kumpfmüller 2018
Michael Kumpfmüller 2018
Automaton of isbn-Maschine
Automaton of isbn-Maschine
Angela's books
Angela's books
isbn-Maschine Abstrakt 16.02.2018
isbn-Maschine Abstrakt 16.02.2018
Isbn-Maschine Abstracts
Isbn-Maschine Abstracts


My path to the work

My creative process begins with an idea, which is verified through the development of a concept and laid down in a set of rules, which then only needs to be executed in the end1 . You can find the set of rules for this artwork on konzeptkunst-online.

Page layout

On the left is the table of contents with all page references. This website is bilingual. The table of contents follows the language of the page you are looking at. You can change the language at the bottom of each page.


I dedicate this work to my art teacher at the Werner-Heisenberg-Gymnasium in Garching: Monika Rousselle. The memory of her trust in my thinking has kept the desire for artistic expression alive in me all these years.2

1 This is how it was described as early as 1967: "When an artist uses a conceptual form of art, it means that all the planning and decisions are made beforehand and the execution is a perfunctory affair. The idea becomes a machine that makes the art." (Sol LeWitt, in Artforum 1967)
2 Monika Rousselle's art on the internet: https://www.monika-rousselle.de/

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